Email template

Email Subject Line: New protection for your estate planning needs.
Dear [Client Name],
As your trusted advisor, we at [Firm Name] are always looking for additional value and protection for you and your family. Today I am very happy to introduce you to the latest addition to your overall estate planning toolkit - ProtectHeir. This streamlined online tool is designed to help executors with the important task of notifying organizations upon the passing of a loved one.
When someone passes away, their estate is faced with the risk of falling victim to deceased identity theft – which can greatly delay the settlement process. Ensuring that your executor can act quickly to notify organizations of the passing is one way they can reduce that risk. ProtectHeir helps do just that – by generating pre-populated individualized letters and forms for a variety of organizations to notify them to begin the process of closing accounts.
I’m providing this valuable service to you at no extra cost because I know you’ve worked hard to establish your estate plans, including carefully choosing an executor who will help with the settlement process. This important service will support them with one important yet often time-consuming part of that process – closing out accounts.
Over the next 24 hours you will receive an email from with everything needed for your executor to fulfill the service at no charge. Please place everything provided in the email in a safe place where your executor will find it. Your executor will use those instructions, and the access code included, to fulfill the service at the time of need.
Thank you for your continued trust. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly should you have any additional questions about ProtectHeir or any other matter. I look forward to connecting soon.
Warmest Regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Details]